- Large size softbox for studio application
- Universal speedring accommodates a wide range of lights
- Baffle and screen
Price: $99.99
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Product Description
This is a NEW soft box made from laminated material to work with a wide range of studio and flash lighting units.It has a baffle screen to reduce hot spot, a feature found only in more expensive unit. The baffle and the white surface are attached to the light box with velcro for easy installation or removal.It is a perfect size for family portrait, still-life and commercial application. With the baffle and white surface, this unit produces the desired soft wrapping lighting effect. Removing the baffle and the white surface produces a higher contrast effect.This includes an universal application speed ring which accommodate any number of studio lighting units, with a maximum length, width or diameter under 5-1/2 inches. It is made to work with many brands of square or rectangular light boxes. The light box adapter is made to rotate independently from the light mounting part, giving you a total control and flexibility to adjust you lighting situation. The speed ring is made from high quality die cast alloy metal to withstand a wide range of temperature.Measurements: 36 x 48 x 20 (approximate).Unit comes with baffle, white surface, 4 pair of mounting wires and an Universal Speed Ring.
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